I kicked off the weekend with lunch on Friday with my friend Kellie Keck who is an established makeup artist. www.pearlsandablackdress.com
We had lunch at the Alpha Cafe in downtown Wapakoneta. www.alpha-cafe.biz Nothing like a full menu of bar food to get the weekend going. It was good food and good company. It's not exactly "fine dining" but it's relaxing, spacious and they have a beautiful bar which was one of three built in 1893. According to their website, one perished in a fire, one survives out in Arizona and the third resides in our little neck of the woods.
On Saturday Adam and I braved the drifted road of State Route 274 to make it to Columbus for his brother Matts birthday party. After the party we headed to Easton to watch Grand Torino. This was Adams movie choice as he is a great Clint Eastwood fan. He loves all of Clints movies (with the odvious exception of "The Bridges of Madion County" which I adore). I went along half grudgingly. After all, I still haven't seen "Bridal Wars" or "Paul Blart Mall Cop". I was pleasantly surprised and immediately absorbed into the movie. It's a great movie to watch in a crowded theater. While it's obviously not billed as a comedy, it's funny in a way you don't expect and having the crowd around you makes it more enjoyable.
We got home late so after church on Sunday I pretty much crashed on the sofa and watched bad tv to unwind after a busy week and weekend.
This week proves to be equally as busy. I get to meet a new bride every day this week and then on the weekend I have two bridal shows. (yay - cake!) Saturday I will be at the Bridal Expo in Greenville. www.greenvilleweddingexpo.synthasite.com Sunday is the WCSM Show in St. Henry. www.wcsmradio.com/index.php?page=bridal-show-2
And now a word from our war lovers Harry and Helen. The words in red are the ones Helen circled to remind herself to mail Harry the needed supplies.
March 16, 1945
Somewhere in Germany
Hello Darling,
Once again I am writing to you under trying conditions. Our German generator has refused to cooperate any longer. The foolish motor runs but no juice is produced. Maybe our boys will be able to fix it up. Right now I am using kerosence lights of doubtful and ancient lineage. So pardon any more errors than my usual quota.
My pen just ran dry and I had to run next door to beg some ink. Hope I have some on the way now. Also some 127 film. I need some badly.
I'd like very much to have my hands on a German pistol. So far I haven't been successful. Don't worry I don't take any changes to get one. They are really nice jobs.
Today was a beautiful day again but it's now trying to rain. April showers and all that stuff.
I boiled out some socks tonight. They were really rank.
Some of these guys around here give me a pain. They are batting their gums about some of the most silly and nonsenical things. Really browns me off at times. Some of them are so dammed stubborn but they won't let any one express an opinion. So I just sit and let them bat their brains out. I think what I please. That policy never gets me into trouble. Only occassionally do I blow my top. Helps the nervous system.
I'm enclosing a propaganda leaflet the Germans are throwing at us. they must think we are all crazy. The average G.I. will pick them up, read some, laugh like hell and throw them away. I think this one quite amusing. No doubt the family will get a bang out of it. I can see Mom & Pop E. laughing. Surely the Germans don't believe we are that crazy. (Note: I wish, but there wasn't any leaflet to be found in the collection)
If I ever get the chance to Paris or Brussells you shall have your Chanel #5. Money here is useless. There are rumors that we are trying to see a movie tomorrow. Probably be one we saw back in the states two years ago.
Well Honey, the space is getting short and my eyes tired from all the dim light. However if it were pitch dark I could still write that I love you and always will. It is the realization that with each passing day brings us one day nearer to victory and consquently home. I've had lots of experiences over here but I'd trade them all for a glance at you and the sound of your voice. So honey, I'll do the next best thing. I'll go to bed and dream of you.
Eternally and Ardently, Harry
Hey Sara - Most of the German Propaganda is about what was happening to their families back home. They would leave them around, and try to convince the American GI's that their wives were forced into prostitution by their government. They tried to break the spirits of the GI's, and as the letter says, they are usually so outlandish that the men just laughed it off.
ReplyDeleteSara dearest, good movie rentals, by the way, are Made of Honor with Patrick Dempsey...now on the regular shelf at the New Bremen Library, not on the waiting list. Adam would probably like it too. It's a chick flick from a guy's point of view...and Leatherheads with George Clooney and Renee Zellweger is good, too. It's a football story, but a 1925 war story, also. "You're like the kind of cocktail that comes on like sugar and then kicks you in the head."