It was a no brainer -
I had to have these letters.
They provided me with many months of entertainment.
It's been awhile since I've poured over the words of these young lovers from Fort Wayne, Indiana. In honor of the weeks leading up to Valentines day and for romance across the globe I will share some of these gems. The following is a letter from Helen (warming up the home fire in Indiana) to Harry her husband, experiencing military life at Ft. Miles, Delaware. This letter was written exactly 63 years ago.
January 29, 1946
My darling,
First of all thanks for the two wonderful letters and the lovely package your sent me. The hankies are lovely dear and needless to say, I'll enjoy the Hersheys and chewing gum. The large hankie was especially nice, I liked it best. Daddy was pleased with his razor and said "much obliged". If you can get anymore gum, better do so as it isn't available here. Also some film.
Tonight I had to work - left there at just 10:00. We're taking inventory. It's been a headache for sure. Makes me sorta tired. Irene doesn't have to even work. It gripes me in a way. Oh well. (note: Helen works at a jewelry store and is highly resentful of most of her fellow workers, a point she mentions often)
Jim and Margaret were in to see me today. They are swell kids. There were happy about your discharge news too. Wilma was also in and she had the good news that her "Ray" was supposed to land today. She was expecting a phone call soon. She hasn't seen him for 17 months and she's tickled pink.
Adelines plant is going out on strike again. I believe around Feb. 7, so she'll have some spare time again. Asked her what she was hearing from Elmer - same old thing, "nothing". Soon I shall stop asking.
I love you very much Harry. Just think, it won't be long until I can tell you that personally. I'm wondering now if you'll have patience with me in my ignorance on cooking and keeping house since I'm so out of practice. I want to make you happy and shall try my best to make you more than glad that you married me. You are everything to me and have always been a wonderful husband and sweetheart.
Good night darling. Love me always? Devotedly, Helen
Maybe you should consider taking a moment to write an old fashioned love letter to your sweetheart. On real paper. Okay, at least send a text message.
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