I decided to post a "Harry and Helen" letter, have some lunch and then hunker down and get some work done.
Looks like my case of the "blahs" is nothing compared to what Harry had going on this day in 1945
Sat. May 12, 1945 - Germany
Helen Darling:
Had quite a long dusty ride today. Sure was a mess. This time we are living in one of Adolfs pine forests. The situation isn't bad now as one doesn't have to worry about some wise German throwing some H.E. shells in here.
I went to a stream not far from here to wash off a portion of the crush which has been in my chassis for quite some time. It seems while we were very much in the nude some German female, accompanied by her husband made of tour of the bank, wondering if anyone was from Cincinnati, Ohio. I was submerged in freezing water for about three minutes. I am just about beginning to thaw out. Such is live in Germany.
Yesterday we took six Belgians who had been political prisoners of the Germans for about four or five years. They had the usual tale of starvation and hunger to relate. They looked half starved. One hadn't has a fresh egg in four and a half years. We took them to an American field hospital where they will be fed, treated, then sent home. The missplaced persons are being rapidly sent back to their homes.
In the "Stars and Stripes" tonight, they talked as if practically all combat troops going to the Pacific would receive a furlough to the states. If that is to be my lot I sure hope we are included in the ones to get furloughs. I understand that Service troops and Engineeers won't be so fortunate.
I am a real woodsman tonight using a bunch of pine boughs as a mattress for my sack. The old man (me) played baseball again yesterday and so far I haven't suffered too much. Guess I still have some spring left in my bones.
The country here is very beautiful at the present time. Trees in bloom and all. These Germans had everything and now all is kaput.
Sure seems ages since I've seen you. Maybe won't be long. Just time for me to tell you that you are the sweetest and most lovable gal in the world. I'll love you always darling. You have made me very happy and I am very grateful for everything you have done to keep things going at home while I've been away. You have done a magnificent job honey and I appreciate it more than I can tell you. So until tomorrow, good night sweetheart - I love you.
Devotedly, Harry
Well, letters like this sure makes a person stop and think of the luxuries we sometimes take for granted. Who spends their morning grateful for the egg they had for breakfast? I know I don't really give it a second thought. Sixty five years ago Harry longed for his wife while sleeping in a German forest after bathing in a freezing stream - I can certainly get out of my funk and get down to business!!
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