Sunday w
Fr. James Trick celebrated his 50 years of his Priestly Ordination. I was honored to design the invites for him and to attend his Mass and luncheon. It was a beautiful mass. As always he encouraged his congregation and challenged them to respond in a rousing "Amen!"
Later at the luncheon many people shared wonderful stories of how he touched their lives. My favorite story was when Fr. Jim once felt moved by the Holy Spirit to ask a total (and unlikely) stranger if he'd ever considered the Priesthood. The surprised man replied back, "Well, yes, I actually have". With youth, long hair and an earring, the surprised man would be considered unlikely to wear a priest collar but nonetheless, Fr. Jim helped him on his path. That man still sports long hair and an earring but is now a priest. A perfect example of how saying a few words can impact a life in ways you'd never imagine.
Adam and I spent some time that evening discussing how little things, words, minor events are so important - even when they seem unimportant. We believe that Fr. Trick is God's perfect example of Love. This painting is one Fr. Trick painted with pastels. It is entitled "Gentle Love". There is a beautiful story behind it which I will share another day. I have prayer cards which feature the painting. If anyone wishes to have one please email me and I'll drop one in the mail to you. Large prints, (suitable for framing) are available for purchase at The Cornerstone Shop in New Bremen, Ohio. http://www.newbremen.com/edc/businesses/cornerstone_shop.
A busy week in store before we enjoy the Memorial Weekend! "AMEN!"