I spent the actual date of October 31st hanging out with my family and celebrating my dads 60th birthday. In the game of life he claims to be "rounding third". He explained this to my niece who was relieved to be told that she wasn't even at first base yet.
Let's see what Harry & Helen were up to 64 years ago.
My darling . . .
And that's just what I mean too, my darling. A more beautiful day could never be found. We are really having beautiful weather for this time of year. Hope it continues as it's easier on the coal pile; especially when there's no coal.
We went down to Jo's tonight and I got my black dress. It sure looks like the dickens on the hanger - hope it looks better on me. She charged me $4.50 for making this one as she had so much trouble with it. I really thought she would charge more than that. Then Theresa, Betty, Peggy and I went to the show, "House on 92nd Street". Pretty good.
The first of November is Ediths birthday. It's just going to pass by so nicely with me. I don't feel that I owe her one single thing! (note: meow!)
Had a letter from your folks today. They got their beans combined but they didn't turn out as good as other years - said it was too wet. Ike is still there, but is a "love sick" man. Lotties birthday is November 10 and he is going there for that.
Well honey, I really don't have much more news, so guess I'll wind this up. Shoe rationing is off so guess I'll see if I can get a pair of black shoes sometime.
Darling, I love you. Never lose sight of that will you? You mean more than anything else to me and I'll love you with all my heart always. You are so considerate and good to me and make me so happy that I married you. Darling, love me always please? I'll promise you, you will never be sorry. I'll try my best to make you happy, forever.
Devotedly your own, Helen
Okay, looks like Halloween didn't even rate a passing comment all those years ago. All I know is this - Helen and I both spend $4.50. She got a timeless black custom fitted dress (which she probably wore for years). I on the other hand, purchased a bag of smarties, and a bunch of fun sized candy bars (which are mostly gone by now). Wonder what $4.50 will buy in 2073?
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