However, I'm just starting to feel like I'm getting my life back. The garden is overgrown, the dog are barking, and a vacation is finally in the near future.
I don't even know where to begin with updating this blog. I guess I'll just go the easy way out and post a couple pics and submit a new Harry & Helen letter. My friends Mel and Chiara have been asking.
On that note I should give a couple "shoot outs" to friends and their websites. Melanie Stucki and Chiara Cameron are the brains behind The Family Fun Finder. This website and their company are a great asset to our community and general area. Looking for something fun to do with your family - check out their site and see what they have to offer.
My dear Make Up Artist, friend, Kellie Keck needs a mention. She's got a great site called I know I've mentioned her before but I want to give props whenever I can. Hey Kellie - we need to do lunch again soon!!!
A new gal on the scene is Rachel Post of Boutique Sweets in Mercer County. I'm excited to discover that her website is up and absolutely amazing. She has beautiful and tasty cakes. And I should know. You all know how I loooove my cake. I've had the pleasure of sampling several of Rachels offerings and I have to say, my fave is a vanilla cupcake with strawberry buttercream. Yum!
Another person I always forget to talk about that comes to mind right now is Mary Hoelscher of Rainy Day Purses. She's got a relatively new site as well and now sells her popular purses online. The holidays are coming (according to my mom who shops at Hobby Lobby) - check Mary out and get your Christmas shopping done.
Another thing I can mention is WiB. That is short for Women in Business Networking Association. This is a great new organization spearheaded by Sandy Matthews and the St. Marys Chamber of Commerce. Sandy is affiliated with EZ Promotions out of St. Marys, Ohio. I urge all women of the Auglaize and Mercer County area to join us for a monthly luncheon. I believe it's going to be the second Tuesday of each month. You can call the Chamber for more info - 419-300-4611. This past meeting we enjoyed a great lunch by Creative Catering of St. Marys, Ohio (419) 394-3231 and then took part in a "speed dating" sort of event. You get to meet a lot of fun ladies.
Okay, I found more to talk about than I thought. Still I don't want to disappoint Mel and Chiara so here's what Harry and Helen were up to in July of 1945.
July 9, 1945 - Herabruck, Germany
Hello Darling,
Today I recieved my pictures and a June 10th letter. That and a few others have been floating around a long time somewhere. Picture #5 is almost Kaput. It was taken at Sinzig. Tommy is on the left, myself and "Deacon" Douglas. #6 is Lt. Ward, Sgt. Ward & Sgt. Barton. The trucks in the background is the one we used in our travels and laying wire. Overhead you cn see some of our work. (Note: Harry continues to describe each photo to Helen. Sadly in all three boxes of letter I don't have any photos. The photo desciptions aren't terribly exciting so I'll omit them)
I have some water heating on our small Owens cook stove. It only weights about 1 lb. Pretty handy gadget. I need a shave. It's murder for me to shave with cold water. My face gets same as the dickens.
I'll answer June 10th letter. (Note: what follows is a random mismatch of conversation) You had been to the Hitching Post with A&E. I think the army gives a fellow a bit of spunk. It is essential or else a guy would be a doormat. I sure wish you would tell Edith off when she gets on one of those rampages. (Note: ohh, this sounds interesting) When she said, "I hate you" I'd tell her I was glad I knew where you stood and then conduct myself accordingly. I have seven rolls of film in the process of developing if they ever get around to finish them. (Note: ugg - just like a man - talk about something interesting and then change the subject to something stupid like film developing) I won't send any more to them. I'll send the exposed ones to you for development.
Well darling, my water is boiling. Guess I'd better go shave. I'll wind up this little deal by telling you I love you so darned much it scares me. Scares me in the sense that I won't be able to be everything for you that I want to. You mean everything to me honey. I'll love you always and I belong to you. Heart, body and soul. Yours until eternity. So goodnight sweetheart. Pleasant dreams. Devotedly, Harry
I'll end with a picture of a new item I can now offer. How cute are these? They can be customized to your wedding colors.
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