Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Monday Morning!

We cleaned the house, got groceries (the grocery store was amazingly busy on a Valentines Day Sat. night) and finally by 11:00 pm we were sitting down to eat our special crab cakes we'd prepared. By 12:00 Adam was crashed on the couch while I watched the movie we were supposed to watch together.
We also made a new recipe. The Five Minute Chocolate Cake! My friend Margie passed this on to me, stating, "It could be a microwave miracle or a real flop." While it wasn't the BESTEST cake in the world, it was pretty darn good.
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well; Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed! Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
I had to switch out all the oil for applesauce (Adam used up all the oil making potato chips earlier in the week) so the texture seemed a bit off, but then again it could have been due to the fact that it was baked in a coffee mug. We ate it with ice cream, cherry pie filling and whipped cream - yum!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hello Darling,
I finally have access to my duffel bag and have some of my stationery. I am writing this by candlelight so please excuse any scribbling and missing words.
We have had sleeping bags issued to us. They are really warm and comfortable to sleep in. We are allowed a stul helmet full of coal per day per tent. So you see, we don't waste any fire during the day.
We were told that we might not receive any mail for a month. That is going to be tough going, but guess I can and may have to put up with worse things than that before I see you again. Just keep on writing. When I do get them I'll have a mess of them. I'll write as much and as often as I can. So don't worry if you don't get letters too regularly. I know everything will turn out okay and we will be together again before very long.
The rain is beating down on the tent right now. It has a nice peaceful patter but it promises to be the cause of lots of mud tomorrow. French mud is in a class of its own.
We are eating out of our own mess hall now. Food is getting much better. We had ham, pineapple, rice, salad and tea. Really tasted good. I have a few candy bars left. They will probably disappear fast.
There isn't much more I can tell you except that I love you and always will. You are my inspiration, my life, my everything. I'll love you always and mean to do everything in my power to make you happy. It was a happy and lucky day when I married you. You have been a perfect wife and I have no regrets in marrying you. You have made me divinely happy. So until tomorrow night . . . Devotedly, Harry
Happy Valentines Day to all!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Busy, busy, busy . . .

And then I have to do a mini photo shoot so I can remember when the heck I mailed. By the time a bride looks them over and shares them with her family and friends, a couple months can easily pass. I don't know about you but I tend to forget the little details and I hate thinking, "oh crap, did I print that on shimmer paper or linen."
I won't share any of the photos of the proofs from today (that's cheating) but I'll show you what the top of my table looks like right now.
Oh well, moving on . . . Let's see what Harry and Helen have to say today. I should have started with the very first letter but that box was behind the other boxes and I was a little too lazy to dig it out. Today I took the extra two minutes and pulled out the box with the starting letter.
September 27, 1943
Ft. Bening,
Harrison, Indiana
Dearest Helen,
Well, today I am a soldier. We arrived here about 11:30. Waited for awhile. Then some Capt. MD looked down our throats and then short arm inspection. (I told you so). I am writing this in a hurry. Hope you can read some (Note: this letter was very sloppy. I thought "great, I paid $40 for three boxes of paper that I can't even read". But Harry ended up having nice penmanship)
We now are assigned to beds and barracks. We have practiced making beds. The army doesn't use the same method you do. Yours is easier (Note: Harry has a dry wit, I've noticed)
I doubt very much anything can be arranged for Sunday. Will let you know later. They told us that we wouldn't be here for more than 5 or 6 days. We don't know for sure. So mail a few letters.
We had roast beef, boiled potatoes, tomatos, carrots and onions for dinner. Tea to drink. Was pretty good (Note: Harry often reports his meals to Helen, which actually ends up being pretty interesting to me)
Well Honey, I have to sign off now. So I'll close by telling you I love you very, very much.
Love, Harry
P.S. We have tests, shots and get uniforms tomorrow. Busy day.
Okay, so that wasn't the most romantic letter in the world but by the time 1946 rolls around Harry digs deeper into the depths of his heart and it's very touching. I'm looking for a great one for Valentines Day.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
This Crazy Weather!
The second photo was taken earlier today. After a day of warm temps, a steady rain shower and then a bit of sunshine we got to see the brightest rainbow I've ever seen. It looks like the end is sinking into my cousins back yard.
You can tell Spring is coming because there is so much going on. This weekend is Valentines Day. Then on the Feb. 2
Then Finally at the end of the month I pull the names of three lucky winners. I'm giving away free wedding invitations!!! I know I haven't been very good at promoting this promotion but if you've book an appointment with me before Feb. 28th then you have already been entered. So to all the brides that have recently come on board, rest assure that you are in the drawing. I'll be emailing you all on Valentines Day with the details and to get you geared up.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A happy WELCOME to all my new visitors!!

The Greenville Wedding Expo on Sat. was a packed house. Lots of great door prizes were handed out, cute kids in the fashion show and fun polka dotted "goody bags''. A great big shout out to Crystal and Ashley of Crystal LeeAnn Photography. This couple put on the show and it was a great one.
On Sunday my mom and I went to Romers in St. Henry for the WCSM show. Another packed house and three awesome fashion shows. Since it was the 25th anniversary of the WCSM Bridal Show they added something special to the fashion show. They had vintage wedding gowns from the 50's, 60's and 70's. They also had a couple dresses from the 30's. I can't remember but I think the oldest dress was from 1888. This dress and the others from the turn of the century were formal black and navy cloth. Elegant, and practical. My mom and I noted that most of these earlier dresses were modeled by younger girls, almost preteens. And they were fitting pretty good. I guess size standards for women have changed some in the last 100ish years.
Again, in honor of the upcoming Valentines holiday, a word from war lovers Harry and Helen.
October 15, 1945 - Sat. Night
Harry Darling:
You are probably back in army routine by now and not too happy about it either - neither am I!
You no doubt wonder what we found about about the car. Well, the master cylinder went bad. I still don't have it. I really wanted to use it tomorrow to go out home, but mother offered to take me if I wanted to go. I might take her up on it.
Now - we sold your suit. It didn't fit the fellow so mother allowed him $5.00 for alterations. We got $12.00 from it that way. Ok? I hope so.
For the biggest surprise of all now. Guess who was in the store! Don Hetrick and in civies. He had a girl with him, but so help me I don't know who it was. It might have been Doc's wife; I believe he called her Dorothy. I want to write Don and find out. He didn't "introduce" her and I can't imagine. Doc is in India and Wayne Reiber is now a Lt. Sure does beat me about the girl.
Theresa went to the show with her girlfriend today and Betty had a date with Russ. She has a dinner date with that soldier on Monday night. (Note: Her sister Betty had a very active "social" life I learned throughout the collection of letters. I wonder who she ended up with?)
Am really anxious to know what you found down there at camp. Hope you found good news. Well honey, there's no more to "correspond" about so I'll close for this time.
My Darling, I love you so much, and love you more than I did at any time during the past five years. I want to make you happy more than anything in the world.
Bye honey, devotedly yours, Helen
P.S. Oh you man! How I miss you!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Groundhog Day & Happy Birthday to Matt

I kicked off the weekend with lunch on Friday with my friend Kellie Keck who is an established makeup artist.
We had lunch at the Alpha Cafe in downtown Wapakoneta. Nothing like a full menu of bar food to get the weekend going. It was good food and good company. It's not exactly "fine dining" but it's relaxing, spacious and they have a beautiful bar which was one of three built in 1893. According to their website, one perished in a fire, one survives out in Arizona and the third resides in our little neck of the woods.
On Saturday Adam and I braved the drifted road of State Route 274 to make it to Columbus for his brother Matts birthday party. After the party we headed to Easton to watch Grand Torino. This was Adams movie choice as he is a great Clint Eastwood fan. He loves all of Clints movies (with the odvious exception of "The Bridges of Madion County" which I adore). I went along half grudgingly. After all, I still haven't seen "Bridal Wars" or "Paul Blart Mall Cop". I was pleasantly surprised and immediately absorbed into the movie. It's a great movie to watch in a crowded theater. While it's obviously not billed as a comedy, it's funny in a way you don't expect and having the crowd around you makes it more enjoyable.
We got home late so after church on Sunday I pretty much crashed on the sofa and watched bad tv to unwind after a busy week and weekend.
This week proves to be equally as busy. I get to meet a new bride every day this week and then on the weekend I have two bridal shows. (yay - cake!) Saturday I will be at the Bridal Expo in Greenville. Sunday is the WCSM Show in St. Henry.
And now a word from our war lovers Harry and Helen. The words in red are the ones Helen circled to remind herself to mail Harry the needed supplies.
March 16, 1945
Somewhere in Germany
Hello Darling,
Once again I am writing to you under trying conditions. Our German generator has refused to cooperate any longer. The foolish motor runs but no juice is produced. Maybe our boys will be able to fix it up. Right now I am using kerosence lights of doubtful and ancient lineage. So pardon any more errors than my usual quota.
My pen just ran dry and I had to run next door to beg some ink. Hope I have some on the way now. Also some 127 film. I need some badly.
I'd like very much to have my hands on a German pistol. So far I haven't been successful. Don't worry I don't take any changes to get one. They are really nice jobs.
Today was a beautiful day again but it's now trying to rain. April showers and all that stuff.
I boiled out some socks tonight. They were really rank.
Some of these guys around here give me a pain. They are batting their gums about some of the most silly and nonsenical things. Really browns me off at times. Some of them are so dammed stubborn but they won't let any one express an opinion. So I just sit and let them bat their brains out. I think what I please. That policy never gets me into trouble. Only occassionally do I blow my top. Helps the nervous system.
I'm enclosing a propaganda leaflet the Germans are throwing at us. they must think we are all crazy. The average G.I. will pick them up, read some, laugh like hell and throw them away. I think this one quite amusing. No doubt the family will get a bang out of it. I can see Mom & Pop E. laughing. Surely the Germans don't believe we are that crazy. (Note: I wish, but there wasn't any leaflet to be found in the collection)
If I ever get the chance to Paris or Brussells you shall have your Chanel #5. Money here is useless. There are rumors that we are trying to see a movie tomorrow. Probably be one we saw back in the states two years ago.
Well Honey, the space is getting short and my eyes tired from all the dim light. However if it were pitch dark I could still write that I love you and always will. It is the realization that with each passing day brings us one day nearer to victory and consquently home. I've had lots of experiences over here but I'd trade them all for a glance at you and the sound of your voice. So honey, I'll do the next best thing. I'll go to bed and dream of you.
Eternally and Ardently, Harry