This coming weekend I have three more brides getting married. Whew! No wonder the summer flew by. Saturday is not only a wedding day but it's also the day New Bremen holds its annual Pumpkinfest. Kat and I will have a booth. I know she's been working hard to have some cute items for sale and I intend to do the same.

Their bridesmaids were decked in a colorful green for the June wedding. I know they had a fabulous time.
Awhile back I purchased an etiquette book at the Canalside Bookstore in St. Marys. I wanted a book that would be a reference for the sort of things that don’t go out of style. The book I purchased was admitably outdated but I thought it would make interesting reading material. “Amy Vanderbilts Complete Book of Etiquette” was published in 1952 and still holds correct information for addressing wedding invitations. However, later in the book proper Ms. Amy devoted 68 pages to the proper ways a woman should present herself (in 1952) to the world. I didn’t read them all but here are some highlights. I thought it would be fun to post them from time to time.
On the subject of dining: “Every woman should change for dinner, if only into a clean housedress. Dinner is the high point of the day. Fresh clothes and make-up are psychologically sound.”
For women business execs. According to Amy Vanderbuilt a woman executive paying for a business lunch is beyond akward. Her advice is to plan ahead and arrange prior credit with the restaurant, or (and this is unbelievable) “quietly lay a bill on the table toward the end of the meal and say (to the man), “settle the check for me please. Of course it’s on my expense account.”
I won’t even tackle the two pages devoted to the proper way a woman should sit. But I can assure you, I'm definately doing it wrong.
Well, forget Amy Vanderbilt. Finally, from my collection of favorite quotes,
"October gave a party;The leaves by hundreds came
-The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band.
~George Cooper, "October's Party"
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