I can hardly believe it's May 1st already. Seriously. If April showers brings May Flowers Adam and I are in big trouble. We have no flowers to speak of and only a tiny bit of green hostas poking up from their winter slumber. Our landscaping is definately lacking, but we (meaning Adam) have been busy fixing our grape arbors, tiling up the garden and cleaning out the shed.

I found a fun website http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday From it I found out that May 1, 1967 is the day singer Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu in Las Vegas.
Also on May 1, 1931 the 102-story Empire State Building in New York City was dedicated.
Looking back over the month of April I can see why it went so fast. I wrapped up several weddings, assisted with birth announcements, and various parties. Adam has been plenty busy too. He got a new job working at Gossman Pools in Maria Stein. http://www.gossmanpools.com/ If you need a swimming pool or hot tub, Adam is your guy. He loves hard work, learning new things and he's sporting a pretty nice tan already.
Here is one of the projects that I've been working on these past couple months.

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