Adam and his cousins the night we went Christmas Caroling. Hands off the one on the left - he's mine! The rest are available, (FYI to all the single ladies). Ignore their fashion sense on this one night. They are really great guys!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wow, where did the time go?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I'm failing my own challenge
"Hello Chickie" In honor of "Crafty Friend Kat"
And this one for aforementioned Miss Laura, who seems to enjoy penquins.
And now for another bride. Kelly Niblick married John (JD) Hawkins on October 18, 2008. I just love her bridal party who wore rust, a deep red and chocolate. Beautiful!Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
November Challenge - Catching Up
Thursday, October 23, 2008
November Challenge - Lazy Daisy
The Lazy Daisy is a result of several shopping episodes. What we have here is a really nice off white paper that has a great canvas texture. Layered on top of that is a "gumdrop green" paper. It's all held together with a trio of daisy brads.
Lazy Daisy Packet is $2.15 a packet. Includes fully assembled invite and one envelope with return address. Note: 10% off order of 100 qty. or more.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
November Challenge - Texas Tea
Texas Tea - (aka, Black Gold) This invite is for the more daring bride. It's dark, it's deep, it's perfect for a wedding close to Halloween. You might think this is a black invite with gold paper. Not so. This cardstock is a complicated mixture of shimmery black/brown/gold/even red. The overlay is a fabulous metallic gold vellum. The corners are attached with brown eyelets.
The matching Envelope
Texas Tea Packet $3.20 This invite is one of my costlier ones. The standard package is a fully assembled invite with an inner envelope and an outer envelope with return address.
Addressing Service Availabe for additional cost
Please note: I take 10% off when you order over 100 invites.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pictures and . . . all sorts of stuff
I'd love a new digital camera. Not anything extravagant, just something that takes action shots and a good close-up without a lot of fancy lighting. True the camera I have is a good one (so I'm told). For awhile I've been meaning to "learn" how to use my current camera but never took the time. So I've been goofing around a little, hoping my weak efforts will be rewarded with a newer, much easier to use camera.
A new Sara Paper Notecard Design. I like it. It's cute. It only cost $2. A pack of 10 costs $15
This one was designed awhile back, when I was anticipating a wealth of tomato (tomatoe) from our garden. Sadly, we only reaped a handful of the little cherry ones.
A more earthy looking card. Love this new paper/envelopes I found. It's called butcher paper. Hard to tell but there are subtle swirls of red marblized in the paper.
I like this photo. It's actually a "good" photo with great lighting, etc. It's an arieal view of a box of programs.
A recent project. My customer is a friend of a friend and we accomplished this look via email and samples sent the old fashioned way. I love this invite because it has three of my favorite things. Shimmery paper, quality ribbon and rounded corners.
A "still-life" photo of a portion of my desk. My humorous "Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette", A cool vintage clip art book from "Crafty Friend Kat", my plant, a nice stack of bills underneath my very frivilous orange stapler (which, by the way, matches my orange chair).
And now an interesting tibit from Ms. Vanderbilt. This section regards manners in children. Ms. Amy lists 22 different things children should not doing in "polite society". All of these seem to be as true now as when the book was written 56 years ago. Don't pick your teeth, chew with your mouth open, burp in public, chatter incessantly, etc.
For once I can't fault Ms. Amy for be hoity toity. What I found interesting was that the previous owner had the gall and bad manners to make marks in the book. In a random sentance the previous owner boldly underlined the words elemental and manners. Then they neatly put a tick mark next to 19 of the 22 rules. The ones that weren't marked off were,
#12 Speak ill of the dead or repeat damaging gossip.
#13 Swear in a way that is generally considered offensive
#22 (was clearly ticked but then later erased.) Pull our finger joints in public, drum our fingers or indulge in any similar irritating little habits that set people's teeth on edge.
As my friend Laura like to proclaim, "interesting indeed." Are we to assume that some unfit mother was allowing her children to gossip and swear at will? And then, maybe, sometimes allowing them to just plain be annoying?
I'm looking forward to sharing some new designs in the next couple month. Then it's almost 2009 and I get to present the prizes for the "Free Invite Giveaway". I've been booking 2009 Brides left and right but I've been too busy to organize what I need for the Giveaway. Don't worry, if you've booked, you're in the drawing. Good Luck!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Beautiful Babies

Now onto fall related stuff. Crafty friend Kat and I had our booth at the New Bremen Pumpkinfest. Her sister Amy added her pottery to the pleasant mix of stuff. We had Kat's hand dyed wool, my notecards, her little clay pumpkin magnets, all kinds of stuff. It was a perfect day, perfect weather, and perfect pumpkin brats and cookies.
I hate to ruin a perfectly nice post about fall by bringing up the matter of Christmas. I know, I know it's too soon. But it's really not. If you are a business or organization you likely have a large Christmas Card mailing in front of you. Best to look over your options now. Chck out this site for some ideas and give me a call.
If you just need cards for your personal family and friends you can tinker away for another month. But at some point you have to tackle that job. So start thinking about it now people. Find a great family picture and make a mental note to contact me for a personal card.
Look at your gift list and see who would appreciate a gift of :
- Personalized stationery,
- Notecards basket with a self inking return address stamp
- Personalized recipe cards
- A gift certificate to a new bride. She can order invites, programs, a guest book, cake topper, whatever.
And now a gem from Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette (circa 1952) regarding household management.
"If you have a one-employee household and a busy family it will certainly be necessary for you to give your maid some systematic assistance, as well as careful supervision.
Ms. Amy then describes (at length) how to instruct the maid with regards to the groceries. She helpfully tells us we can save money by doing the grocery shopping ourselves though she warns that while phone in orders from a charge-account store is convenient it is also expensive. If you opt to have the maid do the shopping her wise advice is to "check up" on the staff. She encourages us by saying, "Don't be embarressed at checking up. Your employees will respect you more if you are not "easy".
Atleast Ms. Amy has another chapter entitled "Gracious Living without Servants". Ohhhh the horror!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Falling for . . . Long Lost Brides

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Lots of things cookin!

Weddings and parties are in full swing. Recently Denise Busic, one of my clients, threw a "Knights and Dragons" party for her son Colin who turned 4 in August. Ofcourse she needed a perfect invite to match.
According to Denise, "They pelted the 4ft dragon with 300 water balloons. They were vicious! The pinata took forever. The girls gave him a good beating. I've been told to sabotage it in the future. They made shields for their family crests as a craft. And my neighbor drug over her bouncy castle. " Sounds like an awesome day for everyone.
I've been promising pictures of brides - I have a few saved up for another post.
What else? Well my friend Kat and I enjoyed a nice shopping spree on Sunday at the Flower Factory in Dayton. I have lots and lots of ribbon now. Beautiful burgundy, burnt orange, browns and greens. All beautiful. Kat is gearing up for the Fall Harvest Festival being held this weekend at Lake Loramie. She's having a booth to peddle her yarn and jewelry and she's been kind enough to make room for my notecards as well. In addition to notecards I will have my "Bag of Scrap" which is essentially a ziplock bag full of odd and ends, pretty papers, bits of ribbon, buttons and whatever else I sort of forget about but am relunctant to throw away.
Anyway, this is a big weekend for the Lake and it's a worthwhile trip. Check out the Fort Loramie Chamber website to learn more.
I'm really excited for Sunday. The Country Living Magazine is having a Fair/Festival of it's own in Columbus. I've talked (okay forced) my husband into going with me. There will be antiques, crafts, demonstrations and good food. Who knows, maybe one day I'll have a booth at one of these big shows.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A-hoy Strangers!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A New Addition - to the office
Me, being goofy - I guess I should get back to work now.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Weekend Getaway!

My husband and I finally took a little weekend getaway. A nice relaxing jaunt to Cincinnati, or more specifically across the river to Covington, Kentucky. We spent Saturday walking the streets of the Main Strasse Village, lounging at the hotel pool and finally an evening at Newport on the Levee where we enjoyed excellent German food and beer at the Hofbrauhaus.
Imagine our surprise to be seated at a table next to a fellow New Bremen resident! Talk about trying to get away. And then later we enjoyed chatting with three Navy Men and their wives, one of which originally hailed from Coldwater. These men served in Korean War and were enjoying a nice reunion. We had fun talking to them, especially Adam who worked so hard to find the ladies a nice felt tip pen so they could add their marks on the already written on table. These ladies were so nice that when they left they came back into the hall and presented Adam with his very own Hofbrauhaus mug. The big one. I forget the whole story behind it but I know Adam was sweet talking and pretending it was his birthday. Anyway, we got a great kick out of it.
We spent the rest of the night meeting new people, including the band, Monica with her harmonica and her brother Joe, and a nice group of Dayton students celebrating their friends 21st. Apparently too, the Hofbrauhaus, and I guess Cinci in general, is an excellent place to have a bachlor/bachlorette party. In fact, we met a bachlorette party participant on the bus on the way back to the hotel. She was from Bradford. So future brides take note and make the trip to Cinci to have some fun.
We capped off the trip with a visit to the Freedom Center, the Reds Museum and finally shopping at the Ikea just off of 75.
Now it's back to work and I'm very excited to be brainstorming with a new bunch of brides with fabulous ideas!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Another Random Spotlight

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Starting to Feel like Summer

I encourage everyone to attend our Farmers Market. It's held every Saturday from 8-12 at the Covered Bridge in St. Marys. You'll find unique items, yummy food (not to mention free samples) and entertainment.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday Fun - I have a twin, sorta

A close up/side by side comparison (ignore the fact that my photo is several years old.)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Husband and Wife Landscaping
Now, let's talk about my husband and his thoughts (or in this case his actions) in the landscaping realm. He's a mulcher which is great. The town offers free mulch which is actually pretty decent mulch. Last night he works until he can no longer see. He's cleaned up the grape vines (our own little vineyard) behind our home, yanked out all the sticklers and dug up some random tulips bulbs. Then a fresh layer of mulch and his own decorations. I laughed out loud when I went out there this morning.
His idea of pretty
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Christan Garman Fundraiser
On June 14th, there will be a fund raiser for Christan Garman. In case you aren't familiar with the situation, Christan is a 26 year old from New Bremen that had a stroke about a month ago. Her fiance is serving in Iraq with the Marines and the hospital bills and rent and car payments and probably about everything else are piling up. So they could use some help.
First off, please try to attend the benefit in New Bremen on June 14th at Speedway Lanes. There will be more info on that coming later. Secondly, they are asking to get some things together for a Silent Auction. If you have some items you'd be willing to buy or make and donate, that would be great too. Thanks everyone!
If anyone reading is interested in donating items to the silent auction let me know and I can put you in contact with the right people. Rodney (a.k.a. Munch) is getting people to work together to make a great OSU gift basket. So you see, you don't have to donate a large item. Grab your friends and have fun pulling together a gardening basket, summertime basket, dinner and a movie, or a kid basket. I'm sure someone at the auction would love to bid on it.
According to reports from her family Christan is slowly but surely getting better. She's getting stronger everyday and working hard at her therapy. Christan and her fiancee Kris are planning a November wedding and I been told that upcoming event is what is keeping her motivated to work so hard. It's hard to imagine that at 26 your life can change that drastically but her family and friends are pulling together with their love and support. If you are inclined, please keep all these folks in your prayers.
Friday, May 2, 2008
May Showers = well, May Showers

In 1519 Artist Leonardo da Vinci died. And much more recently, in 1997 Tony Blair became, at age 44, Britain's youngest prime minister in 185 years.