Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Picture Day

Got a little camera happy today. The first picture is of the dogs. Okay, we have a terrible yard. It's a nice, large fenced in yard, but the ground inside the fence is absolute crap. The perimeter of our yard has a nice worn path from the dogs running up and down the fence line. There are little holes here and there where the dogs got a hankering to dig. The garden in the corner is usually a little too overgrown but whatever. Let's not even talk about the "land mines" dotting the surface.

We're like the people who have a terrible couch but don't see the point in buying a new one until the kids are older. As fussy as I am, when I see the daily abuse our lawn receives, I totally "get" that mentality.

Anyway, there is one particular spot in the yard where there used to be a stump. Adam had pulled it out and planted grass but nothing every seems to work so every year it ends up being a dead looking part of the yard. It's also the place the dogs love to relax. On sunny days they take turns laying in that spot (though Junior, the lazy one, seems to hog it the most). In this picture they are ALL enjoying the weather and catching some zzzz's. Pretty rare thing, really.

Next is a photo of the cool display stand that I scored at my church's garage sale for $.25

Pretty sweet huh? It's a nice brass base with some bendy arms.

Here are some close ups of the invites featured on the rack.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes . . .

Mountain of wedding invites that is. With businesses gearing up for spring and the grads graduation, printing and invites are flying out of Sara Paper day and night. Holy cow is it busy!

And speaking of Spring - where the heck is it? Adam is going to a Reds game on Sunday. I would be jealous except for the fact that it might be sunny and nice but who knows, it could be snowing.

I have to admit that we had great weather for the community garage sales last weekend. I made it out to a few of them. Found a nice display rack for invitations so I was happy.

Now a shout out to Administrative Professionals. Today is their day. I "celebrated" in traditional Sara Paper fashion and ate cake. It's not that I eat cake all the time. I really don't. It just seems that I happen to have cake on the days I decide to post here. Today I attended the "South Western Auglaize County Chamber of Commerce Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon." Wow, say that three time fast. I had a booth with the newest designs and joy of joy, Susan Kreig of The Pie Shell was there with her CARROT CAKE - my favorite. Thanks Susan!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yeah, ummmm, "Hi, how have you been?"

It's been awhile since my last post. Things have been craaaaazy. Just nuts. But in a good way. My apologies to anyone who had to wait for anything. I think I'm FINALLY caught up (opps, just jinxed myself, didn't I)

Because Easter is just a day away we'll revisit Easter Day, 1944 with Harry and Helen (you are welcome Chiara and Melanie - I know you've been waiting)

April 9, 1944 - Happy Easter Darling!

You probably didn't receive a letter from me yesterday, as I was pretty tired when I got home last night and felt it would be better if I didn't write when I was so tired - and rather provoked. More about that later.

I have to reconsider Saturday's happenings first. First of all, I had two swell letters from you, honey. One was one of the nicest I've ever received from you. It was the one where you reminisced about 1937 and of us in general. I've come to the conclusion that we are madly in love! And honey, when you come on that furlough, it will be just like getting married all over again. (note: GO, Helen! Yeeeeah) One, thing, I'll bet we'll have plenty of entertainment - if you get what I mean. (note: umm, yeah Helen, we get it.)
Then Helen goes on at length about her friend Adeline is being a pain in the butt. (My words - not Helens) In my opinion, Helen has a tendency to be "high maintenance" but she seems justified in this particular tirade and I had to feel sorry for her. Helen is pretty depressed and juding from the sound of this letter - badly in need of a man. Anyway, I digress . . .
Now for Sunday's activities. Got up at 7:30 this morning and washed then got a chicken dinner. I had sinus so went to bed at 2:00 and staryed until 5:15. I felt much better when I got up. The people here didn't get much of a chance to show off their Easter finery as it rained the whole day. Let's hope that next Easter we'll see the Resurrection of Peace over the world. With this hope in mind I look forward to Easter in 1945.
Helen goes back to her laments about her girl friends before launching into her sentimental mode.
Honey, speaking of Sept. 29, 1937 - how I was in hopes you'd kiss me!! Didn't we have a wonderful time though? Remember how I sat on your lap coming home and what a terrible time Carl had to fix the date? Honey, when you stop to think, doesn't fate deal funny hands? I hope you will always feel that I have been a good wife. My ambition is to be the one to you and to make you love me forever. I know that I shall love you unto Eternity.

You surely know by now that I love you very much, but I must keep on telling you so you never forget it. Darling, you are what I live for and believe me, I'm proud of the fact that it is you. Darling, I realize all the sacrifices you are making and know that the inconveniences I'm put to by the war couldn't possibly match those you have and the loneliness you experience. Sometimes I feel better than other times, but all the time I remember I have you to love and to love me. You make the world go round and make things worth doing.

Darling, I'm proud to be your wife and don't you ever forget it. Also, remember dear that the most important job at the present time is serving as a private in Uncle Sam's army. You know how you'd feel if you weren't in it.

Devotedly, Helen

And on that note: Happy Easter to all! Say a prayer for those who are currently serving our country and not able to be with their families. Pray also, for those who aren't able to pray freely. I know I'll be counting all my blessings on Sunday.