You accept that your
life is a little boring when your big plans for the weekend include assembling millions of invitations. Truth is, I don't really mind. I invited
Krafty Friend Kat to my house on Friday night for a little gabfest to keep me company while I completed a couple order. We had a good time, working well into the night. We chatted about our
dream projects and the things we'd do someday and when we had the time. You can cover a lot of ground working through the following supplies.
A whole bin full of daisy brads. we used them all!
Two stacks of beautiful pink.Also, I keep forgetting to report on
an awesome new website that I think will be very valuable to brides in the Auglaize/Mercer County areas. It's called My friend Kellie Keck of
Pearls and a Black Dress Makeup Artistry started it. I haven't officially joined yet (sorry Kellie -soon, I promise, soon!) but I think it's just awesome. I'll report more later.
Lots of things coming up.
Sunday, March 22 is a First Communion Dress Try-On Day at Emmy's Bridal in Minster. I'll have a table with some cute designs. The Administrative Professional Day Luncheon is happening in April. Also in April is the
Third Annual MAC Wing-Fest at the New Bremen American Legion. So maybe life isn't so boring after all.
And now, Harry and Helen . . .
November 24, 1943
Dearest Harry,
Betty and I are out here at 3620 waiting for the fire to burn so we can go to bed. I don't know why I'm so tired all the time. I worked right straight through tonight until 7:30. Mr. Koerbers financial advisor was in today to see if we can possibly get an increase in pay. I know $2.00 extra a week would sure help me out.
(note: wow!) Mr. Koerber asks me very often how you are and also said that we must be very devoted to one another. I surely assured him too.
After we got home this evening, Mr. Whitenack came over with the garage rent. I forgot to tell you but he has cleaned up the garage and changed sides with me. I told Mr. Whitenack to keep that money for cleaning it up but he wouldn't hear of it.
Gee darling, I love you so much and just wish I could tell you some different way, so until then we'll let Uncle Sam's postal service help us out. I shall always love you though darling. I just wish my prayers would be answered. Do I pray for you to be home? Yes, but others to be home too - for the whole d--- war to be over with.
(Note: poor Helen, little did she know she'd have to carry on another two years)
Until then, my dear, I love you. Devotedly, Helen